Canadian Tech:
Innovation Includes Everyone
Technologie et innovation au Canada:
l’inclusion n’est pas une option.
An Open Letter / Une lettre ouverte
February 23, 2025 / Le 23 février 2025
Dear Canada / Cher Canada,
You may have heard that Canada’s most valuable public tech company was recently in the news for platforming a store selling swastika t-shirts. Canadians were rightfully outraged.
Vous avez peut-être appris que la plus importante entreprise technologique publique du pays a récemment fait les manchettes pour avoir hébergé une boutique vendant des t-shirts à croix gammée. Les Canadiens et les canadiennes ont été indigné·es, à juste titre.
You may not have heard that they, and other, influential tech companies in Canada have already started rolling back protections and support for women, 2SLGBTQIA+ people, Black and Indigenous communities, immigrants, and other marginalized groups.
Vous n'avez peut-être réalisé que cette entreprise, ainsi que d'autres entreprises technologiques influentes au Canada, ont déjà commencé à réduire les protections et le soutien pour les femmes, les personnes LGBTQIA2S+, les communautés noires et autochtones, les immigrants et autres groupes marginalisés.
This is the wrong direction for Canada. Une mauvaise direction pour le Canada.
Canada is a country that values fairness, inclusion, and opportunity. We get it wrong, often, and there is still so much work to be done. But make no mistake—powerful forces in our tech sector want to reshape Canada in the image of those who see inclusion as an obstacle, not an advantage. They lobby politicians, control media platforms, and influence policies that move us closer to the divisive politics of our southern neighbour.
Le Canada est un pays qui valorise l'équité, l'inclusion et l'opportunité. Il y a encore beaucoup de travail à faire, nous ne sommes pas parfaits. Mais nous ne pouvons pas tolérer que des acteurs influents du secteur technologique veulent remodeler le Canada à l'image de ceux qui voient l'inclusion comme un obstacle, et non comme un avantage. Ils font du lobbying auprès des politiciens, contrôlent les plateformes médiatiques et influencent les politiques qui nous rapprochent de la politique divisive de notre voisin du sud.
We will not allow business leaders, many of whom are unelected, unknown, and unaccountable, to dictate the future of this country. Businesses should not run the government. The government should not be beholden to business interests that prioritize profit over people.
Nous ne permettrons pas à des dirigeants d'entreprises, qui ne sont ni pas des élu·es, qui opèrent dans l’ombre, qui refusent de porter la responsabilité de leurs actes, de dicter l'avenir de ce pays. Les entreprises ne devraient pas diriger le gouvernement. Le gouvernement ne devrait pas être redevable aux intérêts commerciaux qui privilégient le profit au détriment des gens.
Thousands of us — entrepreneurs, marketers, engineers, and support staff— have built Canada into the global tech leader it is today. We did this not by shutting people out, but by welcoming talent from every background.
Des milliers d'entre nous, entrepreneur·es, spécialistes du marketing, ingénieur·es et personnel de soutien, ont fait du Canada le leader technologique mondial qu'il est aujourd'hui. C’est par l’accueil des talents de tous les horizons que nous y sommes parvenus, non par l’exclusion.
We must protect the Canadian values of equity, inclusion, and collective responsibility in our tech ecosystem.
Nous devons protéger les valeurs canadiennes d'équité, d'inclusion et de responsabilité collective dans notre écosystème d’affaires et de technologie.
If we abandon those values now, we risk losing everything that makes Canada a place where innovation thrives—not just for a select few, but for everyone. And we risk handing even more power to a small, homogenous group of business leaders who would strip away jobs and equality in pursuit of profit.
Si aujourd’hui nous abandonnons ces valeurs, nous risquons de perdre tout ce qui fait du Canada un lieu où l'innovation prospère, pas seulement pour quelques personnes, mais pour l’ensemble de la population. Le risque est réel, il ne faut pas donner encore plus de pouvoir à un petit groupe homogène de dirigeants d'entreprises qui n’hésitent pas à supprimer emplois et égalité dans leur quête du profit.
The future of our industry—and our country—depends on defending what makes us different. We must reject efforts to erase diversity, dismantle inclusion, and undermine equity. We must not tolerate, platform, or profit from hate.
L'avenir de notre industrie, et de notre pays, dépend de ce qui nous distingue. Nous devons défendre ces acquis sans relâche. Nous devons nous opposer aux efforts visant à effacer la diversité, à démanteler l'inclusion et à saper l'équité. Nous ne devons pas tolérer, accueillir, ni profiter de la haine.
We urge all Canadians to stand up for equality and send a clear message: We do not support businesses that abandon these values.
Nous exhortons tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes à défendre l'égalité et à envoyer un message clair: les entreprises qui refusent ou abandonnent ces valeurs n’obtiendront pas notre soutien.
Signed / SignÉ,
Laura Gabor, Co-founder / Founder, Ecologicca / What in the Tech
Avery Swartz, Founder & CEO, Camp Tech
Sarah Stockdale, Founder and CEO, Growclass
Arlene Dickinson, General Partner, District Ventures Capital
Amber Mac, President, AmberMac Media
Sylvain Carle
Casey Reid, Director of Product and Growth, Thin Air Labs
Dan Dumond
Derek Jouppi, CEO, Advite
E. K., CEO, Hard Copy Media
Elize Shirdel, CEO, HELM Life
Fatima Zaidi, Founder and CEO, CoHost
Helen Kontozopoulos, Founder & CEO, Resiin
Hilary Kilgour, Managing Partner, Audaxa Ventures
Isaac Smith
Izzy Piyale-Sheard, Founder, ClearCareer
Jessica McNaughton, Founder, MemoryKPR Technology
Jocelyn Courneya, Founder & Creative Director, 558 Media
Maggie Patterson, Owner, Scoop Studios
Marissa McNeelands, Founder & CEO, Toast
Nick Schiavo
Rachel Bartholomew, CEO, Founder, Hyivy Health, Femtech Canada
Sara Norton, Founder, REPLY-ALL
Sarah Willson
Suze Mason, Co-Founder & COO, Sprout Family
Erin Bury, Co-founder & CEO, Willful
Juanita Lee-Garcia, Executive Director, Upside Foundation (on leave)
Talitha McCloskey, Co-Founder, RaiseHER Co.
Kate Grant
Travis Smith, Owner & Founder, Hop Studios
Rebecca Lyons, Founder & CEO, Exera Solutions Inc.
Kayla Isabelle, CEO, Startup Canada
Brent Stirling, Founder, Growth Crew
Kristy Guthrie, Founder, Bright Light Content Inc.
Nadia Ladak, Co-Founder and CEO, Marlow
Fernanda Sobreira
Bhavisha Morphet
Tara Conway, Principal, Can I? I Can!
Marci Geisler, Staff, Marketing Campaign Manager
Yusef DualehCarina Rampelt, Lead Editor, Fenwick
Nora Jenkins Townson, Founder, Bright + Early
Elizabeth Monier-Williams, Fractional marketer and author, Circle Star Publishing & Consulting
Kate Tomen
Kattie Laur, Creator, Pod the North
Nicole Mickelow, Mnemonics Media
Emilie Quinn, Co-Founder, Nuage Agency
Marlise Nishikihama, Director, Marketing, Opulence Education Group
Alex Hosselet, Digital Marketer & Strategist
Eric Buchegger, Marketing Strategist and Consultant, Eric Buchegger Marketing
Kolbi Morley, Freelance Digital Marketer, KMDM
Bryn Davis Williams, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, DOUBL
Cindy Diogo, Co-Founder, CEO, ConSoul Inc
Monica Alves Maciel, Technical Recruiter,
Laura Brisson, Web Designer, Point B
Alessia Saluri, Instructional Designer,
Vanessa, Senior Product Manager, Koru
Ines Andersen, Founder, Thomasine Creative
Nazia Khan
Trisha Donofrio, Community Program Manager,
Miriam Verburg, CEO, Bloom Digital Media
Alison Garwood-Jones, Founder, Pen Jar Productions
Emma Scott, Co- Founder, TalentMinded
Danica Nelson, Founder, Liberty Leave
Natalia Gonzalez Mancera, Senior Marketing Manager
Norma Hogan
Bretton MacLean
Nataliya Becker, Founder, Executive Coach, BeckerLeadership
John Bass, Grants Strategist, Remarkable Grants Management
Ryan Rego
Carrie Forbes, CEO, Rockstar Advisory
Justin Ing, Product Leader
Ariana Romano
Angela Poundmaker, Founder, Nurture Meditation
Jacques Daviault
Drew Minns, Founder, Really Good Work Inc
Tammy Chiasson, President, Thoughtworks Canada
Linda North, Founder, NorthPR
Stephanie Little
Maya Rivera, Teacher
Amina Mohamed, Executive Director, Cameras For Girls
Sabahat Naureen
Summer Elliott, Freelance Digital Designer
Zachary Burns, Principal, Creo Strategy
Kristal Felea, Owner and General Manager, Happy Goat Coffee Company (Main Street & Sandy Hill)
Joel Rathgaber, VP Technology, SolusGuard
Hana Pika
Amanda Levine
Estelle Lombardi, Brand Strategist + Communications Specialist, Freelancer
Michelle Bigelow, Manager, Marketing & Communications
Darian Kovacs, Partner, Jelly Academy/Digital Marketing Sector Council
Rachel Wasserman, Fellow, Canadian Anti-Monopoly Project & Social Capital Partners
ZJ Hadley, CEO, Certain Genius
Gillian Damborg, CCO, Brood Care Inc.
Sara Slater, Sara Slater Creative Solutions
Charlene Norman, CEO, Good Stewardship; Lasting Impact
Emma Devin, Co-Founder, Chief of People & Care, Brood Care Inc.
Thaiane Araujo, Account Manager, vLex
Marcella Silveira, UX Designer, TMX Group
Shanti Hadioetomo, Interaction & Communication Designer, shantomo communications
Taylor Pogue, Founder, Taylored Granola
Patricia Thaine, Co-Founder & CEO, Private AI
Ashima Chopra, Founder & Chief Visionary Officer, FanVerse
Alison Knott, Founder/CEO, Alison K Consulting
Karli Zucht, Community and Operations Coordinator, Growclass
Kate Caldwell, Registered Psychotherapist (previous UX/Design Researcher)
Devon Wiersma, Lead Developer
Ricardo Rambal, CTO - cofounder, Robbie Insurtech
Karen Chalmers, VP Marketing & Partnerships
Gavin Barrett, Founder, CEO and Chief Creative Officer, Barrett and Welsh
Danielle Gaede, Group Creative Director, Cossette
Luke Galea, CTO, Certain Genius, Formerly of 7shifts & Precision Nutrition
Ashley C
Russell Smiley, Founder, Byting Chipmunk
Brian Sharpe, Business Development & People Coordinator, Consensus Enterprises
Hiba Amin, Founder, Sandia Inc
Rachel Colic, Founder, YCREATIVE
Neha Khurram, Founder, The Hiring Community
Shivani Persad, Founder, Course Critic
Nancy Konopinsky, Founder, Naked Consulting
Debra BurkeMarina Korneeva, Co-Founder, A Better Future For All
Kaaveh Shoamanesh, CEO, Plaiced
María Sotelo, Founder & CEO, The Pink Room INC
Uzochukwu Ogbue, Sr. Technical Program Manager
Nikki Hawke
Shay Barker, Director, People & Culture, DrugBank
Ivin, Owner, Brandmonk Media
Philip S Dias, Barrister and Solicitor, PHILIP DIAS PROFESSIONAL CORP
Vanessa Thomas, President, Halo Advisory Inc.
Ian Capstick, Chief Impact Officer & Chief Communications Officer, Animikii Indigenous Technology
Heather Aleinik, Senior Technical Account Manager, PayScale
Gina Theivendra, Product Manager
Steve Bissonnette, Managing Partner, Plank
Patrick Handley-McCarthy, Philosopher/Author, Self
Humaira Ahmed, CEO, BestHuman
Sandra Muir, Owner, Platypus Marketing and Communications
Stephania Stefanakou, Senior Venture Manager, NEXT Canada
Bohdan Zabawskyj, Founder, TrueNorthCTO
Nancy Wilson, Founder & CEO, Canadian Women's Chamber of Commerce
Reza Shaffaf, President, BusyNinja Inc.
Skaidra Puodziunas
Val Maloney
Stephanie Poce
Beth Breisnes, Engineering Manager
Dianna Lai Read, Principal, Blue Canvas Collective
Chloé Freslon
Jeff Golby, CEO / Founder,
Kev Needham, Product Lead
Amanda Filipe
Leanna Barwick, Founder/CEO, Creative Rising Coaching and Consulting Inc.
Kasey Bayne, CEO, KB Consulting Inc.
Rahim Kaba, Sr. Director, Analyst, Gartner Canada
Giulia Greco, International Expansion & Global Growth Strategist
Ryan LaFlamme, Content Marketing Manager, Optigo Networks
Ryan Wicklum, Territory Manager, ProGlove
Maylee Jacob
Michael Smith, President & Chief Impact Officer, IMPACT BRIDGE
Matthew Tsang, Brand Director, Co-Founder, AndHumanity
Lee Dale, CEO, Say Yeah!
Emily Feairs, CEO and Founder, Emily Feairs Executive Coaching
Hema Ramsingh
Mallory Maynard, Founder & CEO, Gibbly
Jenessa Olson, CEO & Co Founder, Ecologicca
Lily Rogers, Psychotherapist, Lily Rogers Therapy
Patti Haus, Senior Copywriter
Kelly Rusk, Founder + President, KRC Digital
Eden Spodek, Founder, Spodek & Co.
Megan MacQuarrie, Sr. Director, People & Talent
Damien Denny
Chris H-C (:chutten), Sr Staff Software Engineer, Mozilla
Sean Mitra, CEO, Foundation Space Resources
Stephanie Holko, Director, Innovation Factory
Sara Khoo, Senior Designer
Emil Falcon, CEO, WHC.CA
Daniella Macri, Director, Brand and Impact, Fiscally Professional Corporation
Mandy Schnurr
Emily Evening
Jordan Alfred
Michelle Fergusson, Head of Marketing
Makayla Muzylowski
Amber Foucault
Ruha Ratnam, Brand strategist, The Designist Studio
Jacquelyn Miccolis, Founder & Creative Director, Supernova Events
Govind Mohan, CEO, MetalFace Software
Rebecca Scott
Kayla Baum, CEO, Twello
Karina Yanez
Petra Kassun-Mutch, Founder, Top Woman in STEM Award 2019, Highwire Collective
Suman Armitage
Aziza Virani, University of Toronto
Anita Chauhan, Fractional CMO, InGoodCo.
Megan Hall, VP Operations, Chocolate Soup
Barry Gervin, Product Management, Microsoft
Kathleen McGroarty
David Shipley, CEO and Co-Founder, Beauceron Security
Maya Chivi, COO & Founding Partner, Do Epic Good
Irene Healey, CEO, New Attitude Design Technologies Inc.
Sophie Brooks, CEO, Raven Performance
Ben Doyle
Michael Keshen
M Kulkarni
Lawrentina D'Souza
Gina Shin
Sarah Fischer
Nirzari Shah, Social Media Consultant, PandoPartner
Karen Richard, CEO + Founder, Made Live
Tynan Allan (he/they), Director of Company Culture & DEI Consulting, CultureING
Steph O'Brien, Founder, Marvellous Mondays
Zoe Curnoe, CEO/Founder, Lumina Leadership
Valeeshia Young
Dave Dick, Creative Director, Humanfolk
Paul Wilcken, Design Director, Humanfolk
Tara Wood, Principal, Purpose Public Relations
Valerie Crisp, Founder, Common Goods
Ryan, CEO, Indigenous Tech Circle
Jeff Gadway, Co-founder, Galvanize Worldwide
Julia Rose, Founder, Julia Rose Content, Hello, Writer.
Khoi Nguyen, Founder + Principal Consultant, KN Marketing
D’Arcy Lussier (Métis, He/Him), Prairie Dev Con
Rebecca Brown
Tricia Jose, Netomi AI
Darryl Simpson, Owner, The Mushroomery at White Pine Meadows
Serena Peruzzo, Co-founder, 1RG
Douglas Soltys, Editor-in-Chief, BetaKit
Jen Spinner, Creative director & founder, Spinner Design
Scott Hanslip, Chief Technical Officer
Nathan Poch, Head of Product, HireUp
Yasmin Shaker, General Counsel
Sultana Ahmed, Programs Coordinator, Startup Canada
William Ma
Tina Crouse, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in AI for Nonprofits Consultant,
Jennifer Prittie, Senior Backend Engineer
Gail Carmichael, Principal Instructional Engineer
Marc Jenkinson, Product Designer, Hoop
Emma, Events Manager
Holly Hagan, Director, Holly Hagan Consulting
Idin Karuei, Data Scientist
Laura Sinclair Faunt, Founder, Velora CX
Grace Jang, UX Designer, Workday
Daniel Benin, Managing Partner, Zero To One Strategic
Joao Gabriel Borges Caldeira
Jacqueline Loganathan, Founder
Eric Brooke, CTO
Michelle Sklar, Chair, Vancouver Entrepreneurs Forum
Abdullah Snobar, Executive Director, DMZ
Mike Parkhill, Head of Engineering, Dock Labs
Jenny Hwang
Jeff Ward, CEO, Animikii Indigenous Technology
Michael Knox, CTO
Geoffrey Hunter
Nancy Yang, Founder, Inner Mission Technologies
David van Geest, Senior Staff Software Developer, Hopper
Guillaume Simard, CTO & co-fondateur, Tola
Briana Sautner-Leach
Brian Peiris, Principal Software Developer
Kam Osorio-Luna, Marketing and Partnerships Coordinator, Startup Canada
Aphra Zimmerman-Holy, Senior Marketing & Communications Specialist, Danby
Liv Tavares
Nael El Shawwa
Rob Drimmie, Developer
Mohamed Hamad, President, Third WunderNivida Manicks, Ceo, 5th Hub
Chris Hogg, CEO, Digital JournalStephanie Baskerville
Pierre Briac, CEO, Speech2HealthBeth Wanner, Founder & CEO, Mother Cover
Bobby Moore, Internal Communications Lead
Gwenna Kadima, Founder & CEO, Center Desk Consulting
Samantha Stilwell, Founder and Cultural Anthropologist, incubateHER and CultureDynamiq
Jacqui Murphy
Kyle Spaans, Staff Software Engineer
Meghan Corbett
Daniel Francavilla, Marketing Advisor & Brand Strategist
David Mitchell
Scott Kosman, Engineering Manager
Danielle Smeltzer, founder and ceo, Awarely embodied leadership inc.
Anna Withrow, Communications Specialist, Wink & Nod Communications
Jen Schultz, , Material Insight
Daniella Singh, Owner, ThetaWay Inc.
Johnathan Lander, Senior CSM, Uptempo
Rachel Sparacio-Foster, B2B tech copywriter, Fresh Perspective Copywriting
Tricia Hollyer, Chief People Officer, MineSense Technologies
Jill Scheyk, Marketing Strategist
Richard Wong
Javier Cervantes, Principal, Gray Wolf
Blake Turner, Director of Software Engineering, Regrow
Roberto Selbach, Software Engineer, Kard Financial
Derek Hopfner, Co-Founder, Nook Money
jeff woods, vp engineering, Tulip
Alexander Trauzzi, Software Engineer and Technical Architect, Copper Dusk
Caitlin Chua
Kate Arms, Enterprise Coach
Raissa Espiritu, Managing Partner, Audaxa Ventures
Mansi Baxi
Seema Lakhani, CEO & Co-Founder (Former CPO, GM at Wattpad), New AI Startup
Joe Drew
Gillian Emerson, Talent Success Manager, Toast
Rochelle Grayson, Founder & CEO, Mosaic Accelerator & Circles of AI
Joey Coleman, SRE Manager, Aiven.ioSam Conover, Store Owner, Broad Lingerie
Karley Cunningham, Founder, Lead Strategist & Growth Accelerator, BIG BOLD BRAND Inc.
Saurabh Khurana, Product Marketer
Briana Doyle, Troubadours & Vagabonds Productions
Dinah Davis, Founder, Code Like A Girl
Emma Brooks, VP, Marketing
Jennifer Powell, Principal, Hart & Galla
Audra Stevenson, COO & Cofounder, Knead Technologies
Jeremy Bradbury, Computer Science Professor
Amy Mansell
Robyn Pike, Manager, Community Engagement, Genesis
Janice Liu, CEO, The Mantis Group
Aaron Romeo, Software Developer
Corey Reid, Director PMO, BenchSci
Aparajita Srivastava, Marketing & Communication Manager, YMCA BC
Greg Wilson, Dr., Plotly
Cynthia Reyes, Author, Kingsgrange Books
Varun Vachhar, DX Engineer, Chromatic
Kelsea Gust, Founder, Up & Out
Erin Schnore (she/her), Partner, Artemis Canada
Michel Rondeau, Independent Consultant
Jo Hund, CTO, Animikii Indigenous Technology
Steven Garrity, Co-founder, silverorange
Carmen Bogdan
Graeme Switzer, VP, Marketing Operations
Kathy Woolverton, President, Synergy Computer Consulting
Marija Vukic, CEO, PlugandPlay Talent
Keely Kundell, Product Manager, Wattpad
Nicolas Tran
Shannon Duguid, Product Manager
Devon Scoble, Marketing and Content Strategy Consultant
David Morgantini, Fractional VPE/Leadership Coach
Luca Bezerra, Senior Software Engineer
Francis Lacoste
Bob Crow, Independent Advisor
Deanna McFadden, VP, IP Publishing Strategy, Wattpad WEBTOON Studios
Adrian Bailon, Program Manager, Stripe
Stephanie Shaver
Jesse Burcsik, Dev > Product > People
Ezra Parnall, Head of Operations, Lumen5
Dustin Bromley, CX
Anne Thomas, Cofounder
Sandra Ugrin, VP, People & Culture
Jane Fernandez, Concerned Canadian
Menna Riley
Craig Saila
Craig Stoss, VP of Solutions and Partner Success, KODIF
Antonia McGuire, Practitioner, educator & owner, TONI WRITES
Sadie Lewis
Jackie F. Steele, CEO/Founder, enjoi Innovation Inc
Rich Luyen, Social Media Manager, Thinkific
Rachal Shanahan
Jeremy De Mello
Hayley Shields
Christina Hug, Founder, BoardingPass
Deekshita bisht, CEO, ArthCrafted
Liam Kaufman, EVP partnerships and strategic projects
Carice Chan
Pranay Khanna
Rebecca Lavigne
Shweta Jacob, Consultant, SJ Growth Advisors
Sam Power, Software Engineer, Common Sort
Sophie Edwards, Cofounder & digital marketing strategist, Cloud Surfing Media
Reesa Del Duca, Design Director, Ballyhoo Design
Terra Wilson, Staff Software Engineer
Ilya Kreynin
Leanna Killoran, Founder, The Hornby Spark
Moxie Garrett, Partner, AV Club
Cam Finlayson, Partner, AV Club Creative Inc.
Annemarie Tempelman-Kluit, Content Strategist, Vericatch
Zoë Poole, Senior Marketing Manager
Tasha Boyd, Legal Operations Manager, Jonas Software
Herlander Pinto, Software Developer, ex-Shopify
Karen OpasGulan S, Manager, Business Transformation
Laura Riccomi, Customer, Shopify
Emily Welsh
Maria Adamo
Maria Cristina Perdomo, Continuous Improvement Professional
Angela Herron
Caroline Berglund, Principal, Talk Talk
Jessica Lortie, Marketing & Design Lead, Toast
Alexandra Rayment, Sr. Director, Partnerships, Elevate
Denise Spiessens, Human Canadian
Kimberly Gibson, Founder, Beehive Creative
Karen O'Malley, Business Development
Monali G
Sanj Selvarajah, Program Management Consultant, Sanj Selvarajah Consulting Inc.
Jay Gamblen, CEO, Front Mortgage
Kim Glover, Principal, Moirae Enterprises
Loi Nguyen, Senior Recruiter
Katy Innes, Director, Talent, Borrowell
Aarti Bhaskaran
Michael Wilson, founder, DrugBank
Amanda Nogier, UX Designer | Entrepreneur, Alberta Motor Association | Béton Brut Design
Tara Shahnavaz, Head of Sales, Netlight
Chris Viola
Peter Scott, Founder and Principal, Q30 Design Inc.
Julie Savard-Shaw, Executive Director, The Prosperity Project
Haley Rudolph
Chi-Chi Egbo, Founder and Principal Consultant, Workthrough
Alexi M
Mike Pettypiece, Head of Engineering
David Bell, Product Manager, CampBrain
Anna Pavlenko
Ricardo Magalhaes, Senior Web Developer, Mercury
Angelique Mohring, CEO & Founder, GainX Inc.
Ian Chalmers, Principal, Pivot Design Group Inc
David Brennan
Michelle Brooks, Chief People & Culture Officer, Security Compass
Katie Billo, Producer, Digital Sabbath
Rebecca Holland, Marketing Consultant
Donna Smith
Marlina Kinnersley, CEO & Founder, Fortay Inc.
Ken Mandeville, Ceo, Strategic Global Partners Inc
Kate Trgovac, Co-founder, LintBucket Media
Liz Balbuena, DevOps Engineer and Cloud Architect
Oluwakemi Akinola-Adedeji, Senior Manager, People & Culture, The uLesson Group
Joe Taiabjee
Alexis Jennings
Celeste Trujillo, Co-founder, The Better Butchers
Ranah Chavoshi, CEO, PhyCo Technologies Inc.
Lily Leung, , Sèan Kennedy, Volunteer/Member, Metropolitan Community Church Toronto
James MacAulay
Reena Tagger-Saint Louis, Founder/CEO, Hiring Inclusive
Satie Shottha, CEO, HipPillowPlus
Rachael Carswell, President, Grip Ventures
Prayalini Sathanantham, Lianas Collective Inc.
Su Ning Strube, Chief Growth Officer, JUDI.AI
Katy Carlisle, SQSP Queen
Roland Hougs, Co-founder, Community Box Directory Software Inc
Angela Willard, Founder, Harmonic Arts
Jamia Pestano, CEO & Founder, Whisker Beans Coffee Company
Megan Swan, Strategic Wellness Coach for Female Founders In Tech, Megan Swan Wellness
Radhika Patel, Business Head, Monkshadow Canada
Kim Gans, CEO & Founder, Sweet Flour
Miki Ackermann, Founder, Principal Consultant, Culture & Talent Works
Heather Broad, Freelance Social Media Manager
Amber Armstrong, Software Development Manager and Accessibility Specialist
Lindsay Johnson, Owner, The Radical Connector
Ashley Cunningham, Marketing & Communications Specialist, The Children's Cottage Society
Becky Heaman
Katie C
Nadine Martel
Nadine Stille
Anna Koroleva, Senior Investment Analyst, University of Ottawa
Oliver Browne, Staff Product Designer, Jane
Khristine Cariño, Founder and President, Tech2Step Network Canada
Prashant Agrawal, Founder and CEO, Be Pacific
Kendra Besanger, Social Impact Coach and Consultant
Nicole Fornelli
Allison Reinheimer Moore, Engineering Manager
Elena Endter, Founder & Workplace well-being advisor, COVE TO SKY
Camila Lopez, Technical Support Specialist
Rowena Doyle
Suzanne Ricard-Greenway, Principal and Founder, SR Greenway Leadership
Amandipp Singh, Founder, Enabled Talent
Tasha Nathanson, Founder/CEO, 7 Leagues
Jose de Leon
Anita Gisch, CEO, Gisch Consulting
Vince Cherlet, Co-Founder, #muster
Paul Osman, Senior Staff Software Engineer, LinkedIn
Marc-André Roberge, Co-Founder, CEO, Nectar
Richard Benjamin Robles
Ainsleigh Burelle, Innovation & Experience Design Strategy, Bridjr
Craig Asano, CEO, National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association of Canada
Shawn Hewat, CEO & Co-founder, Wavy
Tiziana Fathers
Laura Plant Hasanbegovic
Reed Clayton, CEO, Codezero
Boliko Edjidjimo
Kirsten Koppang Telford, CEO, The Forum
Michael Arrieta, SEO Strategy
Robyn Penner Thiessen, Founder, RPT Consulting
Sonia Guzma, Founder & CEO, Happy Heart Lovin’ Life Inc.
Erica Hargreave, President / Head of Creative & Interactive, StoryToGo Society / Ahimsa Media
Deena Kara Shaffer, Founder, Awakened Learning
Susan Schwarze, Owner, DSP COATING SYSTEMS LTD
Luke West, Cofounder & CEO, Collegium
Sihan Shi
Tory Gray, Founder, CEO, Gray Dot Co
Laura Boast, Writer/Editor
Cameron Davidson-Pilon, CEO, Pioreactor
Raymond Aoki, Treasurer, University of Victoria
Tracy Docheff, Bridging Program Director, MNLCT & the Bridge for Immigrant Women Reskilling into IT Professions (C-Women) Program
Liz Boag, SR
Dale Hagglund, Senior Software Developer (Retired)
Ivan Lo
Kristi Soomer, Founder/CEO, Encircled
Nicole Mumford, CEO, AirGate Technologies Inc
Dan Copeland, Director of Engineering
Georgiana Laudi, Forget The Funnel
Nadia Tatlow
Ashiq Ahamed, Managing Partner, SolvedAF Inc.
Amanda Zatylny
Linn Vizard (she/her), Founder, Made Manifest Inc
Libby Brewer-Dulac, Owner, Libby Brewer-Dulac - Digital Solutions
Sarah Woolley, Founder, Sarah Wayte Creative
Jonathan Johnson, GTM + Startup Consultant
Nicole Piggott, President and Founder, Synclusiv
Rick Green, Principal, Head Retention
Suraj Reddy, CTO,
Rhys, Experimentation Consultant, Formentor Labs
Jenny Brook, Senior Engineering Manager, ROAR
Laura Fetter
Phil Rivard, Fractional CxO, RVRD + CO
Sarah Healey, Owner, telostia
Tiffy Riel, Product Manager, Mitacs Inc
Maria Capraro, editor, marcap
Shane Alderdice, Owner/Operator, Alderdice Productions
Tania Mask
Olivia Little
Lisa Weir, Proud CANADIAN
Chadwick Price, Multimedia developer/web developer/elearning developer
Rachel Bartel
Chantal Hebert, Canadian citizen for democracy
Michael Cook
Joyce Cordy, Grandmother
Heather Wilson, Director of Education, Lufe, Sheshegwaning First Nation
Bonnie Scarbro
Gail Coulthard, Professional Services Operations Manager
Lucie Galarneau, Contract Specialist, PMAC, City Hwy Inc
Laurie J Bell
Sue Henley, President (Retired), Susan L. Henley Insurance Inc.
Kory-Lynn King, Educator, Kiskinohamatowin Alternative Secondary School Program
Maria A Di Rosa, Artist, Artist Maria Antonietta Di Rosa
Heidi Dawn Griffin
Dave, Retired
Robert Crandell
Susan Beaudin
Norma Price, President, 1789931
Jean Fader
Pamela Simons, Broker, Author, educator, TFN REALTY INC.
Ruth Barchard, Retired
Mark Luciani
Cindy Desjardins, Retired
Christine Weldrick, Science teacher, Retired
Nicole Muller
Patricia Carr
Robin Prontack, Retired
Monique Gagnon, Service à la clientèle
Denise Pezzano
Linda Power
Laurel Williams
Samantha Tanner
Nancy Furzecott
Kelly Beaton, Retired federal civil servant
Elizabeth Piercey
Robert Price
Af Walsh
Andrew Vincent, Partner and Strategy Director, Spruce Creative
Khamil Alhade, Product Manager, EQ Bank
Jill Earthy, CEO, InBC Investment Corp.
Anastasia Hamel, Growth Marketing Consultant
Joe Murray, President, JMA Consulting
Layla Rocher, Founder and Owner, Over The Moon
Amna Sana, Digital Growth Marketer
Lisa Partridge, Head of Community and Ops, Highline Beta
Jenna Ball
Mandy Gilbert, Founder & CEO, Creative Niche Inc.
Evelyn Tsang, Educational Designer, Mad Science Group
Brittany St. Louis, Marketing Manager
Najath Kareem, Head of Marketing, Haletale
Maya Roy
Kasia Wiszomirski, Owner, BEAUTYWISZ
Claire Dixon, CEO, Neuraura
Jayden Fox, Co-Founder, Better Belonging Solutions
Joanne Cavan, Director, Software Engineering
Christie Eby, Dir ops, HyIvy
Masika Mahabir, CEO and founder, Diversity Nexus
April Hicke, Co Founder & Chief Growth Officer, Toast
Shelley Robinson, Executive Director, National Capital FreeNet
Mandy Potter
Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach
Johnathan Nightingale, Co-founder, Raw Signal Group
Melissa Nightingale, Co-founder, Raw Signal Group
Alisha Patel, Executive
Diana Kolesarova
Jace Poirier, Founder and CEO, COYA Productions Inc.
Chandran Fernando, Managing Partner, Matrix360
Anna Buchner
Justin Reed, Founder, The Upside Agency
Mallory Greene, CEO, Eirene
Jeanne Schiller
Jess Joyce, Inbound Scope
Roxanne Leduc, CEO and Founder, Cap Inclusive
Saadia Muzaffar, CEO,
Juliana Casale, Founder, Balloon
Roshni Wijayasinha, CEO, Prosh Marketing
Warren Wilansky, President & Founder, Plank
Amy-Lynn Kitchen, Freelance Digital Marketer, The Side Hustle
Shannon Graszat, Venture Growth Manager, Innovation Factory
Andrea Guest, Innovation Advisor, Venture Growth, Innovation Factory
Valerie, Tech Marketing Creative, Freelancer
Stacey McDowall, Head of Brand and Marketing, Kidoz + Prado
Jayne Bingler, Digital Product Manager
Kai Algar, Founder & CEO, 3bears
Lauren Hicks, Founder & President, New River Media
Karen Schulman Dupuis, Principal/Founder, Social Design
Emily Cresswell, Director of Growth & Brand, Cardify
Geneviève Smith, Co-founder, Fieldwork Partners
Arina Kharlamova, Co-founder, Little Journey
Nicole Silver, Director of Marketing, Superpower
Quinn Palmer, Growth Marketer
Shann McGrail, Co-Founder, Devreve
Stuart Thursby, Creative Director
Brendan Hufford, Founder, Growth Sprints
AJ Tibando, Co-Founder (former), Palette Skills/Upskill Canada
Shilpa Mandhan, Founder, SM Growth Consulting
Nicole Saldanha, VP of Sales
Molly Seaton-Fast, Founder & CEO, Arcana Creative
Triparna Banerjee
Jessica Ruby
Jonathan Dunnett, CEO, Enable Leaders
Andrew Williamson, Video Producer, Andrew Williamson Photography Inc.
Deborah Aarts, Co-founder, Apid Inc.
Naomi Junatas
Filip Velimirovic, IFS-informed Coach & Founder,
Patrick Icasas, Content Strategist, Mechanix Wear
Lee St James, Managing Director, Urban Robotics Foundation
Joanna Buczkowska-McCumber, CEO, Ideas for Impact Agency
Jaclyn McCaffrey, Project Director and Digital Growth Marketing Specialist
Michelle Grocholsky, CEO, Empowered EDI
Kristy Hissa, GM, Kairos
ShawnaVarganyi, Marketing Manager, Freelance
Erica MacDonald
Leo Urrutia
Jillian Wood, Marcomms Consultant, Former employee at Coconut Software, Loopio, Influitive, etc.
Sonam Ringpa
Eric Zaworski, founder, ezmedia
Balaji Gopalan, Co-Founder and former CEO, MedStack (now with Launchit Solutions)
Thérèse Gredicak
Laura Tetzlaff, Owner
Lisa LaRochelle
Matt Casey, IT Service Manager
Kara Bembridge, Marketing Coordinator, Collabora
Farnia Fekri, Director of Marketing, Raw Signal Group
Jon Nolet, Founder, Iconic Multimedia
Carissa Reiniger, Founder & CEO, Small Biz Silver Lining
Gabriela Barreira, Software Developer
Lauren Russ-Constant, CEO, SELFHOOD
Topaz Glazer
Kyle Baptista, Global Community Builder
Kelly Bergeron, CEO, Poptronic VR
Roberto Faria
Meagan Simpson
Natasha Kasunic, Senior Product Manager, Toast
Sarah Saska, CEO, Feminuity
Larissa Vingilis-Jaremko, Founder and President, CAGIS
Sarah Clancey, Head of Growth, CoVentJacey Schnarr, Founder & CEO, Butterfly Ethical Gifting
Alexandra Latter, Director, Professional Services, OnCall Health by Qualifacts
Bruna Furlan
James Cleaver, Operations and Scale
Laila Zafar, Ms, The Village for Single Parents
Shelby Reaburn, Program Manager
Emily McMinn
Amos Shaw, UX Lead, SJC
Amy Greenshields, Principal, Greenshields Consulting
Emma Hunt, People Experience Lead
Jermaine L. Murray, Founder, JupiterHR
Carla Andre-Brown, Learning Designer
Trent Thompson, Group Creative Director, Cossette
Melanie Yu
Brenda Armstrong, Founder/CEO, Livera Labs Inc.
Kira Howe, Software engineer
Chris Cooper, Director of Engineering
C No, Founder, Yoga on the go
Stephanie Camille, Account Executive
Joe Bowser
Catherine Chan, CEO, Innovators & Entrepreneurs Foundation
Sydney MacIsaac, Client Success Manager
Lizzy Karp, Co-Founder, Brood
Ana Flores (She/Her), Marketing Operations & Growth
Beth Rennie, Software Developer
Crista Renner, Founder, Mediator, myUnspeakable
Candice Ho, Growth Marketer
Elan Paris, Director, DGPR
Arnaud, President, Cell&Gene Consulting Inc.
Jenna Cloughley, Director, Juke Communications
Kristina McDougall, Founder & CEO, Artemis Canada
Josh Hillis, Founder, ASMBL
Lisa Durnford
Brynn Smith, Senior Developer
Zak Greant, CEO & Co-founder,
Jaclyn Wingfield, Manager, Digital Marketing
Han Huynh, Designer, Nerdwallet
Rosemary Sweig, Principal/Founder, CommsPro
Ben Filipkowski
Eva Tang
Heather Watterworth
Angela West, Owner, Working Web Communications
Meggan Van Harten, Co-CEO, Design de Plume
Karine Bengualid, Freelance Content Writer, Manager, and Strategist, Brought to you by the letter K
Dr. Marcia Braundy, President, Kootenay Women In Trades & Technology Association
Daniela Velarde, Founder & Creative Director, Hello Collective Media House
Mitchel Fleming, Media + Entertainment Lawyer / AI-Entrepreneur
Jennifer Taback, Co-CEO, Design de Plume Inc.
Madeline Adams
Hardeep Kaur, Learning & Performance Strategy Leader
Rebecca Bailey, CEO, Women in Communications and Technology
Amy Lynch, Founder + Podcast Host, Mixing Babies And Business
Sushil Tailor, CEO & Co-Founder,
Darryl Mason, Founder, LuxeHorizons
Danielle Colby, Senior Manager, People Programs
Emily Ledwidge, Account Manager
Andre Siviero, Software Engineer
Rahul Raj, CEO, 5&Vine
Camille Talag
Viet Vu, Researcher, The Dais, Toronto Metropolitan University
Fabio Neves, Senior Software Engineer II, Wrapbook
Sabrina Mah, Principal Product Manager
Athena Herrmann, EVP, Akendi
Fadwa Mohanna, Founder & CEO, One37
Marium Kirmani, Co-founder and CEO, StarterHacks
Ellen Hunks, Data & Analytics Leader
Tara Robertson, Principal, Tara Robertson Consulting Inc.
Rebecca MacDonald, marketing manager
Meredith McKeough
Elizabeth O'Grady
Luiz Pion, Founder, Pion Consulting
Mary Ma, Senior Product Designer
Darren Palma, Manager of Talent Acquisition, KOHO Financial
Sai Akhil, Enterprise Account Executive, Eventbase
Fern Hernandez, Sr Director, Marketing Operations, Arbinger
Joanne Acri, Partner, Junction Collective
Kirsti McNabney, Founder, Kirsti McNabney Creative
Krysta Traianovski
Jon Shell, Chair, Social capital partners
Lori Lalonde
Sarah Foot
Jenny Murray
Renjie Butalid, Co-founder and Director, Montreal AI Ethics Institute (MAIEI)
Leo MuiKatja Macura, Director, Spatial Research and Design
Marc Milgrom, Chief Strategist, SideDrawer
Chantel M, Associate Director, Event Operations, Elevate
Ellyn Winters-Robinson, CEO, The Lyndall Project
Tami Levy
Luis Da Costa, Data Scientist
Anthony Hempell, President + Managing Director, Antenna Consulting
Marina Morgan, Chief of Staff, Eirene
Sarah Micho
Michele Kanai
David Shin, Senior Software Developer, Mozilla
Josh Nilson, Founder / CEO, Maskwa Investments
Jacqueline Young-Sterling, Head of 3D&I Labs Business Operations, Adobe Canada
Bobbie Racette, Founder and CEO, Virtual Gurus
Shane Schick, B2B technology writer,
Shanika Abeysinghe
Shari Graydon, Catalyst, Informed Opinions
Fiona, Influencer Marketing Manager
David Pereira, COO, Animikii
Dara Fontein, Manager, Content Design, Thinkific
Jacqueline Duttenhoffer, UX Designer, Freelance
Steve Weatherbee, President/CEO, eCenter Research Inc/eINSIGHT
Jamie Couper, Recruiter/Lead Consultant, DORC ENTERPRISES
Leah Main, N/A, Canada
Lucas Silbernagel, Software Developer
Jacquie Court, Founder, She2.0 Inc.
Vanessa Paesani, Executive Director, Pond-Deshpande Centre at UNBAndrew Ennals, Copywriter and Creator
Sukhmani Purewal, Internal Communications & Engagement Coordinator
Daniel Pajek
Kathryn Carruthers
Sahar, Hansen, Retired
Leigh Mitchell, Social Impact Brand Consultant, ChangeMaker Collective
Candicia John, Co-Founder and Chief of Operations, Curly Girl Meetup Inc.
Amanda Connon-Unda, Sr. Director, Marketing, Elevate
Chris Long, CPTO, Willful
Kerri Romeo, Freelance Digital Marketer, Small Biz Owner, Twill & Pine
Amanda E, Product Manager
sam emerson, Owner, Muel goods
Jamie Gillingham, Head of Product Communications, HubSpot
Allie Knull, Founder, TalentTua
Niveen Saleh, Communications and PR Manager, Axonify
Donna Novick
Tracie Schmerling
Linda Biggs, CEO, joni
Bryson Gilbert, Staff Software Developer
Delphine L. Gilbert, Founder & President, Victory Ventures
Moez Bawania, Founder, AMLB
Joycelyn David, Owner @ CEO, AVCOMMUNICATIONS
Laura Stavro-Beauchamp, Manager, Housing Innovation, SHS Consulting
Anthony Reinhart, Writer and photographer
Andrea Lynett
Shelby Harding, HR Manager, North America, EcoOnline
Oksana salamaszek
Viviana Ordonez
Jill Cashman, Strategy Leader
Jason Koskie, Director of Client Services and Operations, Plank
The Diesel, Founder, MWire Inc.
Leigh-Anne Nugent, President and Secretary, LAN CRM Consulting Inc.
Sabina Voisin
David Feldt, Founder & CEO, JazLabs, Inc
Guillaume Lajoie
Keldon Bester, Executive Director, CAMP
Kate Russell
Alicia Turner, Marketing Director
Rob Price
Nick Corradino, Senior Manager, Solution Consulting, Tipalti
Ilana Ben-Ari, CEO, Twenty One Toys
Evan LePage, Director, Content and Creative, Thinkific
Lana Tang
Theresa Smith, Founder, LeaderSmith Group
Maryam Nabavi
Rebecca Harper, Founder & Chief Information Architect, Rebecca Harper Consulting
Hannah Castle & Mary Weimer, Founders, My Friend Penny
Pam Hernandez, Product Consultant, ProductRemix Inc
Audrey Balsor, Head of Community Engagement, Manyanat GTM Solutions
Daphna Mokady, Founder and president, WSTEM TO
Norys Loreto
David Akermanis, Brand, Foresight & innovation Strategist, Self-Employed
Nina Skaaning, Thinkific
Tris Hussey
Clare Adams
Jose Sanchez, Director of Communications, Jesuits of Canada
Grace Chaoui, VP, Weber Shandwick
Danielle Graham, Co-Founder, The Firehood
Alana Bennett, QueerTech
Bojana Nedić, MAIOP, Organizational Psychology Practitioner
Roman Swietlik
Sophie Lapointe
Jackie Lee, CEO, Recruit My Friends
deanne ezdale
Nova Nicole, Inclusive Facilitator, Performance Coach, Consultant
Kirstine Stewart, Author
Meenu Deol
Meghan Kennedy, Innovation Manager, YVR
Kelly Shouldice, VP Brand and Content, Northern Super League
Kyle Racki, CEO, Proposify
Mauro Meden, Software Developer
Francesca Martina
John Svazic, CEO & Principal Consultant, EliteSec
Meegan Carlson, VP People & Revenue Operations, Acuity Insights
Donna Nelham, Founder, Unstitution
Danielle Bishop, Staff Software Developer, Unemployed
Sandy Ahluwalia, Founder & CEO, Secureship
Alicia Roisman Ismach, Head of Fintech, Atlantic Fintech
Kelly Thibodeau, Founder and President, Squarely Accessible
Jason Landry, Co-Founder, All Purpose
Ricky Tjandra, Director of Research, FluidAI Medical
Sebastien Provencher
Kyle Bostelmann, Software Engineer
Rachel Wasserman, Fellow, CAMP & Social Capital Partners
Wren Peters, Senior Product Designer
John Montgomery
Reese Patterson, Senior Product Designer
Megan Beretta
Tammy Murray, Career Management Practitioner, Saint Mary's University & InspireWorks
Jacqui Baillie, Founder, Interview Intelligence
Veronica Romero
Maria Denk
Sushant Karnik, Marketing Manager, Acuity Brands Canada
Peter Faist, CEO, Staffy Health
Amanda Nagy, Director, People
Stephanie Hollingshead, CEO, TAP Network
Sheryl Johanson, President, Strategic Insight and Inclusive marketing
Hannah Permell, Growth & Community Manager, Growclass
Veronique Bergeron, Senior Software Developer, Procurify
Brooke Sykes, Mozilla
Nicole Vella, Senior Web Developer
Andrew Sorlie, Co-Owner/Creative Director, Stature Films
Emily Sorlie, Co-Owner/Executive Producer, Stature Films
Kristen Moulton, Health Technology Consultant
Cecily Thomas, Principal Software Architect, CampBrain
Jack Noppé, Chief Product Officer, Retired
Michon Williams, CTO, Walmart Canada
Sneha Soni, Founder & CEO, GreenNudge
Sarah Tessier, Business Operations Manager,
Landon Steele, CEO, Steele Consulting
B Walker, Senior Content Specialist
Abdulla Khatib
Mike Rodger, Partner, Investing News Network
Christina Richardson, Product leader
Evan Mulrooney, Software Developer
Caitlin Murphy, Head of People & Culture,
Nadia Abuseif
Holly Knowlman
Silvia Losada, Community Manager/Data Scientist, Toast
Tovah Paglaro, Founder & COO, Fathom
Sarah Clark, Partner, Jelly Marketing and Jelly Academy
Luvy Hardy, DMZ
Ujjwal Nambiar
Lystra G. Sam, Managing Director & Founder, Qmooniti Travel & Lifestyle
Mandy Woodland, CEO, AmpHealth
Sobia Younus
Taha Jalip, CTO, APX Lending
Madelaine, GM, Brand Strategy
Kirsta Reid, Educator
Johanna Botari, Candidate, Master of Future Cities, University of Waterloo
Kevin Semande, Director
William Johnson
Amy Gopal
Nyesha Ward
Pete Griffith, Staff Product Designer, Jane Software
Aparna Allam, Marketing Director
Erika Strong, Director of Integrated Marketing
Anita Li, Publisher and CEO, The Green Line
Maria Fernanda Rincones
Karolina Kwiatkowska
Adam Brace, Product Design Lead
Garth Boyd, CEO and Founder, Devious Plan Inc
Diraj Goel, CEO, GetFresh Ventures
Njideka Onwuasor, Communications Specialist
Michelle McLay Cash, Marketing Strategy, Independent consultant
Bec Fazzalari
Shay Neufeld
Alyssa Boyt (Lyssa Hughes), e-Commerce Manager
Elaine Lee
Donato Sferra, Managing partner, Hillcrest Merchant Partners
Lisa Zarzeczny, CEO, Elevate
Noah Barrett, Data Scientist, Limbus AI
Sarojini Sengupta, Co-founder and CEO, AIMH Inc.
Brad Terakita, VP Marketing
Jasmin Dhaliwal, IT support, Eliminator RC
Janaan Dibe
Erica Hollongsworth, Manager, Revenue Enablement, 7shifts
Trevor Bennett, Technical Operations Manager
Jocelyne Beaulieu, Head of People and Operations, Koru
Violet Nickalls, VP People & Culture, Hello HR Team
Nadia Chowdhury, UX Researcher
Charlotte Hancock, Communications Officer, Donor Engagement
Jessica Smith, Owner, JSSCommunications
Ryan Dineen, Co-Founder, Wagepoint
Widad Akinola
Krista Iris, Key Account Manager, joni
Naomi Midanik, Founder, Bright Balance Psychotherapy
Jeilan Devanesan, Web Content Manager, StackAdapt
Jagmeet Kaur Pannu, CEO, Opulent Castle inc.
Sasha Saunders, Director, Legal Innovation Zone
Jon Lovering, Owner, uProject Development
Michelle A, Account Manager
Emily Ptak, Founder & Principal, Ptak & Co.
Heather Buchanan
Craig Warren, Staff Software Engineer
Molly Willats, Community and Partnerships
Shannon B, Senior full stack developer
Aaron Foley, Digital Solutions
Neda Ghazi, CEO, Comfable Inc.
Shelly Verzosa, Senior Digital Strategist & Consultant
Anna Ramsay
Michael Ly (he/him), Director of Marketing, Mama Earth
Shasha McArthur, Indigenous Filmmaker, IM4 Media Lab
Akshaya MuraliKerry O'Brien, Manager, Learning & Development
Brett Willemsen
Mauricio Cervantes, Associate Financial Advisor, Chazz Financial Inc.
Tati Petkovic, MDM, Astrologer & Brand Strategist
Bernard Llanos, Software Developer
Nadia Norcia, Communications Advisor, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Stacey Feero, Director of Product Management, AgencyAnalytics
Paula Pyne, Somatic Leadership Coach, Uplift Consulting
Rachelle Enns, Founder, Courageous Career
Eduardo Zarate, Staff Product Manager
Tim Russell
Amanda Fruci, President, AF Communications
Tasha Kociszewski
Nafis Ahmed
Saeed Khan, Managing Director, Transformation Labs
Martha Malloy, Product Coach, Product Bets &Jams
Lisa Jenkins, Manager, PMO
Matt Holland, Staff Developer
Madalin Malloy
Christine Sommmers, Principal, Reside Strategies
Laurine Chassignon
Sasha Rae Arfin, Fractional Design Lead, Gev Design
Stacey Sage, Communications & Digital Marketing
Aneta Filiciak
Brea Dmytriw
Callie Garvey, COO
Leisa Hirtz, CEO, Women’s Global Health Innovations/Bfree Cup
Stef Richardson, Digital Creator, Lokal Digs
Shane Erickson
Manish Singh, VP - Strategic Alliance for Google, Ericsson Inc.
Lynne Goodbody, Account Executive, Toronto
Deb Richardson
Rick Bjarnason, CEO, Cheeky Monkey Media
Jason Munroe, Mentor, Coach and Consultant
Rachel Salt, Communications Manager, ScienceUpFirst an initiative of CASC
Lucan McRandall, Director of Product Management
Lauren Mercurio-Smith, HR Consultant, Bright + Early
Maria O'Reilly
Alaine Brawley
Abi Allaran, SDR, Unemployed/ member
David Vaz, Manager of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, Skills for Change
Scott Stratten, President, UnMarketing Inc
Wai Chung Hon, Engineering Manager, Bit Complete
Craig Knox, CTO, DrugBank
Mavis Dixon, Founder and CEO, Proposal Pro Canada
Adam Pez
Jessica Andrews, VP Marketing, Copper
Hayley Mullen, Senior Copywriter
Yohan Mahimwala, Department Leader
Dallas Barnes, CEO, Reya Health
Mihnea Galeteanu, Sr. Dr. Product Management
Rob Echlin, Developer
Alicia Hibbert, Founder and Managing Director, Edified Projects
Shawn Hooper
Braveen Kumar
Kerri-Lynn McAllister
Stephanie Howlett, CEO, DiversityNL
Fiona Cooke
Lindsay Green-Noble
Cole Pascua, Sr. Microsoft Modern Work Specialist / Specialiste principal du travail modern Microsoft (Canada), Softchoice
Celeste Côté, Product design lead
EG Orren, Be Yourself Marketing
Seonaid Lee, Tech Ethics Consultant, Dendrologic
Alexis Sheridan, Copy Director & Internal Comms coach, Freelance
Ken Wan, Owner / Photographer, ARC - Architectural Photography
Vicki Martin
Patrick LaRoche, Senior Engineering Leader
Meg Spindler, Marketing Manager / Designer
Kerry morrison, Owner, BetterStory
Danielle Klassen
Bibi Careau, Head of Operations, DMZ
Elena Jara, Entrepreneur coach, LinkUp Canada
Daniel Stuart, President, GM
Suzanne Iwankow, COO/CFO, CleanBands
Jamie Morneau
Tyson Lemire, Staff Software Engineer
Omar Khan, Software developer, City of Toronto
Amanda Rose, Founder + CEO, Timecounts
Katrina German, CEO, Ethical Digital
Meg Welter
Jess Haney, Owner and Head Strategist, Open Loop Studio
Courtney Reynoldson, Senior Software Developer
Charlotte Herrold, Former editor-in-chief, Canadian Business
Ashleigh Lodge
Nicole Smith, Founder + CEO, Flytographer
Emily Abramson, Head, Growth Operations, Database Tycoon
Juliana Omasa, Jr Data Analyst, Flytographer
Katrina Carroll-Foster, Partner, Kollectively
Julia D'Amico, Customer Success Champion & Culture Enthusiast
Sneha Patel
Tom Walsham, Founder, Intentional
Heather Jackson, Narrative Director, Bloom Digital Media
Steve Hallick, AVP, Communications, IG Wealth Management
Shayna Rector Bleeker, Cofounder/VP Strategic Partnerships, 7Gen
Cornelia Klimek, Group Product Manager, UserTesting
Richard Munter, Principal, Munter Westermann Arts & Media
Tiffany Chester, Partner, Kollectively
Dawn Bowles, Principal, Flourish Strategies
Ashley Hargreaves, CMO, AEH Consulting Inc.
Debra Alves
Amanda Parriag, Principal, ParriagGroup Inc.
Mike Spendlove, VP Product Development Engineering, TELUS Health (formerly Lifeworks)
Mathilda A Terry, Software Architect
Nicole Whittle, President/VP Operations, Relate Consulting & Co/
Sandra macdougall
Malcolm Kendall, CEO and Co-founder, Microbiome Insights Inc.
Tom Goldsmith, Founder & Principal, Orbit Policy
Francis Beaulieu, Président, Cogni6
Eric Puigmarti, Design Lead, Maple
Francis Moran, Francis Moran and Associates
Brittney Roy, Principal Director & Founder, BKRx Inc.
Zoe Whitman, Project Manager, YWCA
Myrna Bittner, CEO, RUNWITHIT Synthetics
Cindy Talbot, Director of Finance
Brent Guidinger, Strategic Accounts Executive, RUNWITHIT Synthetics
Heidi Vincent, Communications Professional
Simren Deogun, Founder and CEO, Kahani Consultancy Inc.
Tim Windsor, Principal Software Developer
Dan Gamble, Founder, DGPR
Liz Da Ponte, Marketer
Lea Abboud
Liesl Barrell
Citlalli Rios, President, Hispanotech
Edna Rojas, Founder and Director, The Urban Camp
Michael Lajoie
Lori Bell, Owner, Horse Haven Farm
Francisco Cavedon, Staff Engineer, Spotify AB/ex-Shopify
Charles Chan, Project manager / Operations Manager
Nancy De Santis, CEO/Founder, Expertis Solutions Inc.
Fab Chan, Senior Analytics Engineer
Melanie Li
Monica Hamburg, Marketer
Maggie Bolt, Sr Marketing Manager, Forum Ventures
Tayler Hoffart, Director of Growth, Empathia AI
Jeremy Bailey, VP XDR, Thinkific
Raaj Chatterjee, Co-founder & CEO, MeaningfulWork
Carol Robbins, Owner, Alignment REScue
Paul Jara
Perry Phalla
Nicole Weatherly
Marce Welsh
Janice Mah, Founder, Wiser Workscape
Amanda Cupido, Founder, Lead Podcasting
Jane Lapon, Board Chair, Atorvia Health Technologies
Guerric Haché, Founder, Lystrosaurus Studio
Barbara Claiman, Co-owner/Director, Community Solutions Ltd
Anthonia Ogundele, Executive Director, Ethọ́s Lab Educational Society
Don Hall
Benoit Verreault
Andria Gillis, Systemic Leadership and Team Coach, People Lab
Laura Dolgy, Founder, Dolgify
Alix Redmond, Manager, Marketing and Communications
Hiteshi, Student, Marketing Strategist, Kamloops
Andria Barrett, Founder, The Diversity Agency
Vanessa Matos
Tiffany DaSilva, Founder, Flowjo
Darshita Shah, Community Manager, SPACES
Kira Hunt, Founder, Artist, Technologist, Adaptive Ecosystems
Gida Hussami, Wild Nut, NSERC
Julianne Trotman
Ara Wole-Sowole
Zineb Baili, Senior Public Engagement Manager
Eugene Wang
Jodi Swaby
Molood, Graphic design, Allego Global Corp
Lori Tobin, Marketer and Communicator
Coralie Dondas
Hamda Odukoya, Content Marketing Manager
Trish Papadakos, Co-founder, Everful
Fannie Dionne
Katia Millar, Marketing Manager, Mid-Range Computer Group
Natasha Rogers, Owner, Natasha Rogers Consulting
Sasha Endoh, Founder + principal, Endoh Collaborative
Iain Klugman, CEO, NorthGuide
Heather Murray
Christy Prada, CEO, Future Fertility
Hannah Cameron, Director, Content Marketing, Conexiom
Eilis McCann
Mayumi Rollings, CEO/Co-Founder, Tiny Ghost Studios
Nikki Lu, Narrative Designer & Theatre Board Member, The Pulp Stage
Emma Brown
Meredith Thatcher, President, Thatcher Workplace Consulting
Elio Capelati, Senior Software Engineer
Gabriel Adauto, Staff Software Engineer
Primie A Cegnar, CEO, Aeon Stellar Commerce Inc.
Duncan Bell
Dana O'Born, Vice President, Council of Canadian Innovators
Roy Pereira, CEO, co-founder,
Raymond Luk, Founder,
Kara-anne Fraser, Product Design Manager, Achievers
Evan Wimperis, Marketing AI Manager, CSOD
Sarah Nouraly
Last updated March 19, 12:00pm EST. / Dernière mise à jour le 19 mars à 12 h 00 HNE.